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We feel it is important that Parents see the nursery school they wish their child to attend. As well as being personally familiar with our ethos, you can also explore the Pippa Pop-ins journey your child will take.

Please call the schools office on +44 (0)20 7731 1445 or book a visit here.

We only accept a completed registration form once you have visited your chosen nursery school.


In order to apply for a place at Pippa Pop-ins, parents are required, following a visit, to complete our online registration form and pay a non-refundable registration fee of £150.  Payment of the registration fee does not guarantee a place at Pippa Pop-ins, but ensures that your child’s name will be added to the registration list/waitlist.  

Waiting list

All children are added to a registration list or waitlist when they register for a place at Pippa Pop-ins.  

Registering prior to birth

We are happy to accept registration forms prior to the birth of your child, but you must feel comfortable in sending it to us. Registration will be accepted after your first trimester.  On the registration form please put ‘Baby’ where it requests first name and the baby’s due date where it requests date of birth.  Once your baby is born, please make sure that you inform us via email (schools@pippapopins.com) with your child’s full name and date of birth.

Date of birth

Your child’s exact date of birth will affect your future offer. It is vital that you inform us of your child’s date of birth, if you submit a due date on your registration form.  Children are placed in a year group and classroom according to their age and academic year.  Please record your child’s DOB in the British Format, DD/MM/YYYY.

Pippa Pop-ins has three academic years: Tiddly Pops, Dragonflies and Transition. Children enter Pippa Pop-ins in an Academic Year.

Academic Year Pippa Pop-ins Year Group Age of Child
1st September to 31st August Tiddly Pops Turning 2 Years Old within the Academic Year
1st September to 31st August Dragonflies Turning 3 Years Old within the Academic Year
1st September to 31st August Transition Turning 4 Years Old within the Academic Year

Children enter Pippa Pop-ins in an academic year.  Children must have turned 1 years old by 31st August in order to start in the following academic year which runs from 1st September to 31st August.

The majority of children join Pippa Pop-ins at the beginning of the academic year (end of August/beginning of September).  Children can be admitted in the Spring Term or Summer Term according to the availability of places.  Please note the numerical years, refer to the beginning of the Academic Year, i.e. the Autumn Term.


In order to maximise your chances of gaining a place we recommend that you are as flexible as possible with regards to the location and the session choices.  We do however suggest that you only register for locations and sessions that you would be happy accepting and will work for your family.

Allocation of Places

We offer a child a place based on the availability of spaces in the classrooms.  A place is usually offered on the basis of the following order of priority:  

Current child wishing to increase sessions

Sibling already in the school



Amount of sessions

Date of request

*Pippa Pop-ins offers a sibling priority on the waitlist, however we still do require parents to register their younger children as early as possible.  Whilst our registration policy will help siblings, it should be noted that we cannot offer places if the school is full.  The sibling priority will not stand if the older child has left prior to Transition class.  

**We strive to encourage parents and children to walk, cycle or scooter to Nursery and for this reason we give a priority to children living within the same postcode area as the school.

Please note that we also look at dates of birth and gender to balance our classes.

Guide Notice for Starting Dates

Autumn Term

The Autumn Term (usually starting September) is the beginning of the academic year and our main intake. Offers for Autumn Term places are sent out *from the October/November prior.

Spring Term

The Spring Term starts in January and is part way through the academic year (it is the second term). Offers for Spring Term places are sent out *from the October/November prior.  Places will only be offered to children registered to start in the Spring Term if a child withdraws from the school and a place becomes available.

Summer Term

The Summer Term (usually starting in April) is part way through the academic year (it is the third term). Offers for Summer Term places are sent out *from the January/February prior.  Places will only be offered to children registered to start in the Summer Term if a child withdraws from the school and a place becomes available.

Please note that whilst, we will start offering places from the months listed above, places can still become available after these dates due to children withdrawing from the School.

Waitlist Information

You are welcome to call the Schools Office for an update, however we will be in touch by email as soon as we have any news.

Unfortunately it is impossible to predict when we will be able to offer your child a place and we are restricted by the number of children that we can have in a classroom and which academic year your child will be eligible for. 

Please note our Registration Lists (waitlists) are different for each school, year group, classroom and session type.  We do not give out a waitlist number as the lists are constantly changing. 

The offering process is an ongoing procedure throughout the year.

If your child does not receive a place to start in your requested term they will remain on the waitlist until a place becomes available.

Offer of a Place

When you are offered a place, it is as per your registration and the priorities on our waitlist. If you request to change your offer, please note that your child will be placed back on the waitlist until those particular sessions are available.

If you accept an offer of a place, your child can remain on our waitlist for any changes or session increases. Current children have a priority on the waitlist.

Acceptance Deadline

When you are offered a place, you will only be given a couple of days in order to accept the place. This is to help everyone on the waitlist.

Accepting a Place

In order to accept a place, Parents are required to complete an Acceptance Form and pay the Acceptance Fee and if required by the School, a Parent Bond (certain circumstances only, please see below) online, using the link provided by the acceptance deadline.

Pippa Pop-ins Journey

We expect all children to complete their journey at Pippa Pop-ins, up to and including the final term of Transition Class. Transition is the final year at Pippa Pop-ins.

Acceptance Fee

The Acceptance Fee is payable when you accept a place at Pippa Pop-ins. The Acceptance Payment which is non-refundable, is deducted from your child’s Transition Year Summer Term Invoice. 

Parent Bond (if required)

Pippa Pop-ins reserves the right to require a payment of a Parent Bond in addition to the acceptance fee, if parents reside overseas or parents reside in the United Kingdom on a temporary basis (for example on secondment or in diplomatic service). The amount of any Parent Bond payable will be set out in the letter of offer. Pippa Pop-ins reserves the right to retain the Parent Bond if you cancel your child’s place after acceptance and before entry. The Parent Bond is only refunded when a full term’s written notice has been given, less any amount which may be outstanding and assuming Parents have complied with our Terms and Conditions. The Parent Bond will be refunded by the 3rd week of the term following your child’s departure.

Updates and Responses

Please let us know any changes that you wish to make to your waitlist requests.  Any updates should be made in writing to schools@pippapopins.com.

We do ask that you inform us if you wish to be removed from our waitlist and to respond even if you do not wish to accept the place offered, as we are reliant on your answer in order to offer the place to the next child on the waitlist.

Changes or Cancellations to an Offered Place

Any request for a change to the agreed start date (or deferment) must be a term in advance and confirmed by email by the Schools Office. We are not able to guarantee a place the following term and should you then wish to withdraw your child’s application to join the School your acceptance fee remains non-refundable.

Decreasing the number of Sessions:

Parents who have accepted a place for 5 full day sessions may not reduce their sessions within their first year at Pippa Pop-ins.

Should you wish to decrease the number of sessions your child attends or is due to attend, we ask you to provide the Nursery with a term’s written notice which must then be confirmed by email by the Schools Office.  

Cancelling a Confirmed Nursery Place (prior to starting):

Should you wish to cancel your child’s place at Pippa Pop-ins, we ask for a term’s notice by email which must then be confirmed by email by the Schools Office.  Notice must be received by the following dates for the notice to be applicable:

Starting in the Autumn Term (September): Notice must be given prior to 1st week of the Summer Term.

Starting in the Spring Term (January): Notice must be given prior to 1st week of the Autumn Term (September).

Starting in the Summer Term (April): Notice must be given prior to 1st week of the Spring Term (January).

Giving Notice on your Child’s Place

Should you wish to withdraw your child from Pippa Pop-ins, we ask for a term’s notice by email which must then be confirmed by email by the Schools Office.  Notice must be received by the following dates for the notice to be applicable for the forthcoming term:

Leaving Date end of Autumn Term: Notice must be given prior to 1st week of the Autumn Term.

Leaving Date end of Spring Term: Notice must be given prior to 1st week of the Spring Term.

Leaving Date end of Summer Term: Notice must be given prior to 1st week of the Summer Term.